Thursday, November 3, 2011


Instead of posting what I feel like writing, I'm gonna post what you should feel when I post what I was thinking. Ok, that was confusing. More on that later.

So, how many of you watch television? No, don't raise your hands, I can't see them.
What is the most interesting part of television?
It's supposed to be what show you're watching right?
But no, the focus in today's 'Idiot Box' is on advertisements.
Mindless, incessant ramblings of woman in fake doctor's apparels telling us what to feed our child, how to make them tall or people who roam around with melted Cadbury chocolates getting laid.
Children who look like they have an IQ of less than 50, which mind you stands for mental retardation, giving advice to their parents which detergent to use.
"Mummy, use this, it's cool."
You know what son? We don't fucking care.

More and more children and being addicted to television now. I thought when I was small I was addicted, but the thing is we used to watch TV for the cartoons, and not the advertisements of biscuits which featured stickers of the same cartoons we were watching. We saw the cartoons, felt smart and switched the TV off after a certain time.

We still watch TV, just in a different way. We watch TV shows like The Big Bang Theroy but not through our local content providers, we just go ahead and download them. We spend 20 minutes watching them compared to the 35 Minutes you would have wasted if you saw it on TV.

Now, compared to the small dumbfucks, I mean children of today, we are awesome.

So, what's wrong with them?
Well, they watch all kinds of crap ads where they're led to believe that if they act smart and talk cool, people will like them.
You know what we feel like?
Strangling them.
Every fucking time they open their mouths.
It's not their fault really, not ours either.

You want someone to blame?
Blame the stupid content providers who have no idea why they have their respective jobs.
Tell them, that putting a Gillette ad on Cartoon Network won't magically grow hair on Pre-pubescent boys and increase their retail.

Is this the dystopia we're headed towards?

Hope not.

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