Monday, February 6, 2012

The Awkward Moment When...

Yesterday, I was awarded for spending most of Gr 12 with books. Being a "Supremo" makes me sound like a large pizza from pizza hut.
During the ceremony, shit happened.
My thoughts varied from wait, what? to WHAT THE FAAACK? to omg, what is happening?, to who? me? and finally to oh, this is gonna be fun.
The awkward moment when I stand next to the CEO of my school with his arm over me for the entire audience to laugh at.
This is what I thought the moment looked like -

After the ceremony, in which people apparently forgot how to clap, or had I gone deaf? Never mind, I'll find someone like you.
OKAY. So after the prize distribution ceremony, I almost had a cardiac arrest at one point of time. A nice feeling though. Beautiful is the word. Why did my heart almost stop beating? You may never know.................. (notice extra full stops and imagine a person looking out a misty window on a misty, winter's night and the screen fades)

Did I enjoy the moment when I was next to the CEO? Yes.
Would I like another "beautiful cardiac arrest" moment? Yes.
Did I like the food? No.

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