Monday, August 8, 2011


Alternating Reality is a bit, only a BIT mind you, like alternating current, you don’t understand what either of them mean, but you’re thankful for whatever the heck they are!

Hiring people to spam for you is hard work. The spammers (Is that even a word? If its not, then I’m so #badass) don’t understand their importance. Some of them think that I think that they’re stupid and hence been given a menial chore. Yes, some of them are really stupid, but spamming isn’t a menial chore. It takes a lot of courage to spam people you don’t know, people whom you’re never going to meet in your life, and people who shared a bed with you for a night. Spammers will be ridiculed, laughed at, or worse, ignored. Their efforts will not even yield a like on their comment, or even an i-don’t-give-a-damn-get-lost emoticon. It’s a harsh, unforgiving world out there. I’ve been there. Trust me.

Bloggers need spammers. Spammers need victims. Victims need to chill out and read a blog. Hence, a circle. I call it The Circle Of Blog.

Friendship Day passed. I didn’t give a damn. I’m so #badass.

I watched Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. I didn’t know Tom Felton was in it. I got so excited when I saw him. Not the homosexual type exited you pervo. The excitement was like the one seen on a 5 year old’s face when his/her father brings out a coin from behind his/her ear. Such innocent joy. :’)

This blog’s alliance has changed. GOOD BYE TUMBLR, no, its not your fault, its me. #breakup
Hello Blogspot. Be good.


  1. Have you actually wrote according to the title ?
    Except for the unconvincing title,it's pretty cool stuff you've written. (Y)

  2. Umm, I did, Kinda.. :P

    Thanks for reading :)
