Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Say What ?!

Look who's back, back again.
Foodie's back tell a friend ;)

Today I watched Sherlock Holmes. Again. Every time I watch that movie, I giggle like a tween girl listening to Justin Beiber. No need to worry, I think.
Other news, I still haven't gotten my Pottermore invite. I feel like how Snape must have felt when James married Lily. Don't have a word for it, right now.

I also saw how Rajnikanth looks like without makeup and the works. He reminded me of the guy working in the supermarket near my house. I wonder if he'll give me free things if I tell him.

Food for thought, apparently Hummus cheers you up. So if you're depressed, instead of grabbing that tub of ice-cream. Eat some Hummus with you thumbus!

Some writer once said never use an exclamation mark in your work, it's like laughing at your own joke. I laugh at my own jokes ! B)

The heat seems to be dying out. I feel happy, I wasn't fried this summer.

School starts on 9/11. Another unavoidable tragedy. *sigh*
Some random cool facts about 9/11 :
20 people were pulled out alive from the rubble.
Fires raged on at Ground Zero for 99 days.
The plane engines survived the crash.

People in Iran were arrested for taking part in a water fight. Lol.

Signing out with a song about Hummus <3

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