Sunday, November 6, 2011

Midnight Mayhem.

I don't feel sleepy at all. Even though I see my brother sleeping with that calm look that one usually has when they're in dream land, I have no intention of joining him in the Land of Nod. I'm wide awake with my chemistry text book on my lap, flipping through pages which seem to be written in an ancient script. Maybe it was the Autobots who wrote it.

It is Eid in Dubai. (auto correct thinks it's Did in Dubai. So naive.)

Night time is the perfect alone time. The night gives me the strength to clear my thoughts, so that the chemicals formulas are rounded up and kept in a remote part of my brain, while the rest of the brain works out the people-to-be-stalked-tonight list. Bliss. After the stalk, I usually go into emo mode, thinking about life that could have been, building up my life which would have existed if only....

So its half past 12, the Daniel cell stares at me with it's cold, penetrating electrodes. Brrr. (Auto correct changed brr to beer, look at it, all grown up)

The Galaxy Tab says it'll switch off. But there is stalking to be done, photos to be seen and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

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