Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blast and Shake.

Delhi went through  a lot yesterday. First another terrorist attack. Then a night time earthquake, kind of like a bonus to the briefcase bombers.

Russia lost it's Ice Hockey team in a plane crash.
Twin Suicide bombings occurred in Quetta, Pakistan.
Yesterday was as if some force thought of going ape on humans.
I say "another" terrorist attack because bombings have become quite a routine. 2 months ago there were blasts in Mumbai. No one has been caught yet. There were no CCTVs at the High Court. WTF? Malls have CCTVs, but not High Courts?! Bombings are like wake up calls to the Indian government, "Fix your security system, *insert swear word of choice*. No one wakes up though.
After a terrorist attack, play the blame game, hold a candle vigil for the unfortunate souls, then get back to work. Done.
I know how the earthquake must have felt. I've been through it. I managed to survive. Win.

Met "friends" after approximately 7 weeks. Only their waistlines have changed, nothing else.

One smart man, "I will introduce differentiation to trouble the minds of younglings"
Another, "Oh, great idea, why not introduce differentiated tissues in Biology. That'll screw them up."
Yet another, "Fantastic ideas, bros. You know what, lets also introduce Anti Differentiation aka Integration. Waoh. That'll torture them."
All three together - "Muahaha"

Smart asses ^.

Disclaimer: I'm not annoyed with their introductions. Without those concepts, we wouldn't be where we are now. We would probably still be in caves.

There might be something new posted here. Something different. There, "MIGHT".

1 comment:

  1. After two years, catch a suspect spend crores in keeping him in prison and then let him walk away for no evidence that can be presented to a court. And then fight it out in the parliament :)
