Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Letter of Happyness.

"Your Pottermore account is ready! Step this way..."
Those words are clearly the best substitutes for my Hogwarts letter. For anyone's Hogwarts letter. I slept with a wide smile after viewing that epic email. I woke up smiling.
Entering Pottermore, I was reminded of my happy days in Club Penguin. But Pottermore is epic-er and better and best-er.
The force was with me. It was mine. I was it.

I am PhoenixWolfsbane31. (Add me if you're on Pottermore) The Phoenix suggested, to me, a link with Gryffindor. My wand which has a Phoenix core, suggested, to me, a link with Gryffindor. I ended up getting sorted into Ravenclaw. Wait. WHAT?!
I must have chosen the wrong options. My account might have been jinxed.  I must have ended up on the wrong side of karma, like FTK down there. Being optimistic is a bitch thing to be.
Atleast, as a consolidator, I'm not in Hufflepuff. I wouldn't want to die and end up becoming a vampire.

I went for an unexpected and uncharacteristic jog to perspire the feeling of being in the most overcrowded House on Pottermore. It didn't help. I ended up getting sweaty and stinky and out of breath and on the verge of extinction. Instead, what helped me was Pokemon which magically appeared on my TV screen. I don't remember the last time I watched it. Pikachu looks the same. Team Rocket blasted off again.

No photo for you today. I'm so mean. I'm so badass. I'm in love with Pikachu.

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