Monday, September 26, 2011

Stop Whining.

Today I visited the Al Noor Training Center For Children With Special Needs.
Contrary to what you might have inferred from the previous statement, I didn't go there to admit myself. I'm perfectly normal... At times. WHAT?!
Anyway, getting back to topic, I went there to volunteer. Not because some mystic force shined light on me, creating a halo kind thing, which makes the people in the movie understand their true reason for being alive, but because I need it for college application and I thought, what better way to get the community service certificate that to help those who really need the special attention.
When I got there, I realized 2 things.
  1. The struggles of normal, well functioning beings are trivial compared to those at Al Noor.
  2. My school's timing sucks. For more on that, 7:00 AM - 12:00 AM.
Going to Al Noor was like an eye opening experience. On the way, in the train, I complaint about the test week going on in school. I complaint about the teachers, the test portion, tuition, travelling menace, your mom, etc.,. But watching the children with special needs, I realized my whining was trivial, immaterial.
When life gives you lemons, take them, forget about the tequila and salt. Just grab any opportunity coming your way. If you can read and comprehend this post, then consider yourself lucky to be normal. There are hundreds of other humans not as lucky as you are. Stop complaining about life, girl/boyfriend, etc.,. Schools should take students to such centers as a counselling trip, to teach them the other side of life.
I can't help the students at Al Noor in the classrooms, but I might go for the administrative department.

In other news, the electromagnetic spectrum is a fascinating topic. I felt smarter when I learnt about it. Smarter. Wow.
My physics teacher said " Big Bang Theory" today. I smiled. I love The Big Bang Theory, the TV show.

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