Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Flaming Water.

Adele can set fire to the rain. Adele has set fire to my desire to find a suitable mate of the opposite sex, one that I am suitable for too. Adele's songs are having a profound effect on my mental and physical state. My metabolism is slowing down. My reflex actions are just actions. Time is moving slower. The universe is expanding. Neutrinos are threatening Einstein's reputation. One day we might hear - Theory of Relativity has fallen. Einstein is a noob. Neutrinos are faster. The world will end after that. My hair is on fire. Aah, fuck it.
I'm speaking shit.

Getting back to my mental state. I am forever lonely. Call me a desperate bitch, an emo fucker, but I know you're lonely too. You're still messaging that person you liked, hoping for a reply, even if it is as useless as the red angry bird. I know that one reply is going to make you jizz in your pant. I haven't found the person yet, and because of that, I'm losing the human touch. My heart is turning into stone. Hormones controlling emotions are depleting. I want a Cheese n' Weiner.

 Akshith has dissociative identity disorder. The emo Akshith is an asshole. This is the actual Akshith speaking to you now.

Daedalus has a devil mind. Devil.

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