Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It was inevitable. It was prophesied to happen. I couldn't run away from it how much ever I denied it. I have evolved. The final step of evolution is complete. I am complete. From an unskilled, stone carving, raw-meat eating beast, I have evolved, nay, transformed into an exemplary organism, one who has mastered the use of fire to his advantage, (read partially succeeded in cooking his breakfast). Beware wild animals, there's a skilled caveman in town.

I have a tall ladder to climb before I am crowned as Lord of the Kitchen flame. But I'll get there. A perfectly edible unsalted egg omelet is the first step. Using the flame to make food is what humans were born to do. However insignificant the action may seem to be, it is the ability of man to control flames in most cases that makes him such a dangerous predator. And I take pride in that ability of man.

Being home alone is not much fun at all, contrary to what movies have depicted. I am now burdened with responsibilities. I have to multitask efficiently - switching between the use of the internet which takes up 90% of my time and keeping an eye on the food which is being reheated which is among various other tasks I am expected to complete before I leave home for school. Some of these tasks, even I hadn't fathomed.

You know what sucks? Going to school.
You know what worse than that? Knowing that Daedalus will be signing a letter saying that he witnessed the world record being broken while I am breaking my head in school.

"If you love me
Won't you let me know?"